Saturday, February 15, 2020

Managing organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Managing organization - Essay Example Employees’ needs are an essential internal element in bringing effectiveness, and high performance in an organization, whereas organizational technology, size, political/ regulatory changes, ethics and environmental changes are the external conditions that could influence performance (Daft, & Armstrong, 2009). Talents and skills of the workforce are indispensable if a firm is to become a high performing. Organizational performance is bound to suffer when organizational members are insufficiently trained or skilled. Managers have to change the nature of workers tasks from being routine jobs to empowered roles. Traditionally, employees were assigned tasks from the top management, where information and control of tasks were centered. Nevertheless, the modern context requires workers to perform roles that are part of the dynamic social system. A role has discretion and responsibility, permitting an individual to utilize his or her ability, talent, skills and judgment to accomplish an organizational outcome or goal. Employees and their knowledge are weighty than the means of production or the means of service delivery in relation to organizational prosperity (Daft, & Armstrong, 2009). ... The contemporary workplace contains numerous employees who execute most of their work through computers, and may also work in virtual teams that are electronically linked around the globe. Diversity is another aspect that modern organizations cannot afford to overlook. As globalization continues to be part of organizations’ playing field, the human resource and customers’ base change dramatically. Managing diversity effectively results in increased organizational performance. An example of a corporation that registered organizational success and performance by embracing diversity is the Avon Corporation and the McKinsey & Co. (Daft, & Armstrong, 2009). An organization’s culture that forms the key values, beliefs and comprehensions and norms shared by workers may influence organizational performance. Values and beliefs are essential in helping an organization execute its corporate strategy and attain its mission. Well established values are the deep drivers of wor ker behavior and are well understood by employees. Thus, beliefs and values that are embedded in the organization and are congruent with the company’s approach to leadership enhance organizational performance. An organization’s processes and structure determine how an organization arranges its work policies, processes and procedures to sustain and execute corporate strategy. Processes and structure of an organization influences the level of organizational performance. Organizations that experience high performance put processes that reinforce strategy and tasks to most effectively allow human (Daft, & Armstrong, 2009). The influence of ethics in the contemporary world of business is a development in organizations that constrains the freedom of organizational members.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Fundementals of nursing informatics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fundementals of nursing informatics - Assignment Example A patient care scenario will be discussed to discern how NANDA, NOC and NIC elements were applied. The data, information, knowledge and wisdom framework will be applied to develop the patient care scenario. STNs are utilized as part f the Electronic Health Records in healthcare setting and symbolize the nursing data, information, as well as knowledge, which can be kept in the electronic systems to be utilized as a reference by doctors or nurses. The scenario that this paper will be discussing is: 40 year old male patient presenting to the ED with CP x 3 days and c/o SOB. Pt is diaphoretic and pale on arrival. VSS are BP 123/74; HR 130; pt. with shallow rapid respirations rate 36; O2 sat 96% on 4L NC. The registered nurse chose the correct clinical diagnoses make use of the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) terminology rooted in the patient’s immediate needs, as well as her comprehensive evaluation. The care plan she developed has a linkage between patients’ needed goals, interventions and diagnoses. Utilizing the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), the patient and nurse set the desired short-term and long-term goals. Nursing diagnosis, which would be practical for the scenario might be: reduced cardiac output r/t compromised regulatory mechanism; excessive fluid volume r/t compromised regulatory mechanism; fear r/t unknown outcome of developing situation, nervousness r/t situation of sickness and knowledge deficit r/t nonconformity with medication. Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), on the other hand, is an all-inclusive, standardized classification of clinical outcomes developed to assess the impact of interventions offered by nurses (Mà ¼ller†Staub et al., 2006). Rooted in the scenario, the NOC might be: Excessive Fluid Volume: Fluid Balance, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Balance, Hydration; Fear: States precise information on the situation, Verbalizes known fears; Anxiety: